What Makes Wintertime A/C Installation A Smart Choice?
Your air conditioner may be the last thing on your mind this winter, but right now is actually the best time to invest in a new A/C system. Whether your current unit is on its last legs or you're upgrading to a more modern system, tackling your A/C installation during the winter months offers plenty of impressive benefits.
Wider Availability
Hot weather usually means high demand for HVAC specialists, which makes arranging an A/C installation during the peak of summer a challenging process. With your preferred HVAC contractor swamped with all types of A/C service calls, you could end up waiting several weeks to have your new A/C system installed.
As the sweltering summer gives way to cooler weather, however, your HVAC contractor won't be so swamped with requests for emergency A/C work. Thanks to the low demand for A/C services during the winter, you'll have an easier and faster time scheduling your next A/C installation.
Seasonal Discounts
As the season progresses and temperatures plummet, so does the cost of purchasing a new A/C system. In an effort to push slow-moving A/C equipment off the shelves during the winter, you'll see manufacturers and contractors offer seasonal discounts and rebates on new A/C systems. Your local utility company may also offer incentives that help drive down the cost of buying and installing your new A/C system. You may even get discounts on installation and labor from your HVAC contractor.
These and other available discounts make the winter months a good time to install your new A/C system.
Improved Comfort
Why wait until the peak of the summer heat to have your new A/C system installed? You won't need your A/C system during the winter, which makes it the perfect time to install your new unit. This way, neither you nor your HVAC specialist will break a sweat during the installation process.
Proactive Preparation
Planning ahead with a wintertime A/C installation also puts you ahead of the curve when it comes to seasonal comfort. When warm weather makes a comeback, you'll be ready to tackle higher temperatures with your home's new A/C system.
There's also the issue of the upcoming R-22 refrigerant phaseout. After January 1, 2020, the cost of maintaining A/C systems reliant on the now-obsolete refrigerant will skyrocket due to dwindling availability. If you currently own an older A/C system made prior to 2010, replacing it with a newer, compliant A/C system puts you ahead of the phaseout curve.
Contact a company like Bowen Refrigeration for more information.