Learn About The Right Time You Should Call An Expert For Furnace Repairs

In the cold season, you depend on your furnace to ensure that your indoors remain warm and comfortable. Given this, you'll have to run your heater more than usual, meaning there's a high chance it might break down. That said, as a new homeowner, you may not be conversant with the warning signs your furnace needs repairs. Hence, you may experience a heating malfunction when you need it most. If this is the case, this guide details some of the things you should watch out for to avoid being left in the cold.

There's an Unusual Odor Coming from Your Unit

An obvious sign you should seek heating repairs is if you notice unpleasant smells from the furnace. A common odor you're likely to experience is that of rotten eggs, which most gas providers add to natural gas to notify you about a possible leak. More importantly, note that natural gas is flammable, and if you notice that the smell is too strong, you likely have a sizable leak. On the other hand, a burning smell points to a damaged electrical component that, if not addressed promptly, can lead to a fire outbreak. Further, a musty smell signifies mold growth and points to a leak within your heating system, calling for immediate repairs.

Cold Air Doesn't Blow from the Vent

When the air blowing from your air conditioner vent isn't warm or is weaker than usual, there could be damage to the air duct. Additionally, you could be dealing with a clogged air filter. That said, check if the thermostat is set to "heat" mode before deciding your vents or filters are the issue. If it's working as it should, your heating repair technician will inspect and repair the damage to the ductwork and change the air filter if necessary. If none of these issues is to blame, they'll check whether the blower motor is damaged and remedy the problem to restore airflow. 

The Flame on the Furnace Is Yellow

The flame that ignites your furnace should be blue. Hence, if it turns yellow, it indicates that carbon monoxide is leaking. Note that it can be challenging to detect this gas, and prolonged exposure can be dangerous. So, if you notice the furnace is yellow and feel lightheaded, turn off your heater and contact your professional to help address your gas leakage. Also, you may want to invest in a carbon monoxide detector as you can quickly tell when you have a leakage.

When you notice any signs of furnace damage mentioned, seek the quick intervention of a furnace repair contractor. Note that you should never delay repairs because they may cause extensive damage, leading to unplanned unit replacement.
