Learning About Air Conditioners

3 Repairs Your Aging Air Conditioning System May Need

Keeping an old air conditioning system operational for as long as possible can be a great way to save some money. While the cost of repairs will eventually exceed the cost of replacing your unit, you can often squeeze a few more years out of even a very old system with routine maintenance and prompt repairs when problems appear. However, not every issue with your air conditioning system will stop it from cooling your home. Read More 

5 Signs That An HVAC Thermostat Needs To Be Replaced

HVAC systems are complex and composed of many parts and features. Thermostats may be small, but they are an important part of systems. They may fail before it is time to replace a system. There are different types of thermostats. Homeowners need to know when it is time to replace theirs. These critical parts may exhibit specific signs that they need to be replaced. Sometimes a thermostat may need to be replaced even if it appears to be functional. Read More 

A Step-By-Step Guide To AC Replacement

Is it time for an AC replacement for your home? Whether you're replacing your current AC because it is too old, too small, or too inefficient, it helps to ensure that the process is done correctly. The best way to accomplish this is to use a professional AC installer for the job. Here's what to expect during a professional AC replacement. AC Consultation Consultations are the first step in establishing working relationships with AC professionals. Read More 

Do You Need To Replace An Old Air Conditioning System?

If your home uses older HVAC equipment, turning your system on for the season can often feel like rolling the dice. You might worry that an older air conditioner puts you on borrowed time, just waiting for the day the compressor or another costly part finally fails. While no air conditioning system can last forever, you don't necessarily need to give up hope just because yours has a few years under its belt. Read More 

What’s Dragging Your Furnace’s Efficiency Down?

Have you noticed your gas heating bills slowly climbing as the winter drags on? While fuel prices are going up across the country, your heating costs also depend on your furnace's efficiency. Unfortunately, furnace efficiency can degrade due to numerous problems, including deferred maintenance and unaddressed repairs. If rising fuel costs alone can't explain your skyrocketing heating costs, here are three problems that could be affecting your furnace's efficiency. 1. Poor Maintenance Habits Read More